Our team

Architects of experience

We're a collaborative team of creators, strategists, designers, writers, developers, and organizers—all engaged in bringing your world to life.

Adam Tock's headshot.
Adam Tock
Director of Digital Experience
Alex Warren's headshot.
Alex Warren
Senior Account Manager
Angelica Monteclaro
UX Designer
Cindy Coake's headshot.
Cindy Coakes
VP Operations
Cori Dante's headshot.
Cori Dante
Senior Web Developer
Hugh Schulze's headshot.
Hugh Schulze
CEO | Creative Director
Joan Bueta's headshot.
Joan Bueta
Associate Creative Director
Kevin O'Rourke's headshot.
Kevin O'Rourke
Motion Graphic Designer | Video Editor
Leila Kadri's headshot.
Leila Kadri
Associate Creative Director
Maggie Suter's headshot.
Maggie Suter
Senior Art Director
Melissa Schulze's headshot.
Melissa Woods
Senior Account Manager
Nikki Anderson's headshot.
Nikki Anderson
Group Account Director
Ryan Barrett's headshot.
Ryan Barrett
Executive Vice President
Tom Hehir's headshot.
Tom Hehir
Account Manager